Frequently Asked Questions

Reiki FAQs

  • Reiki is a natural, hands-on/off Japanese energy healing modality, discovered by Mikao Usui.

    The word Reiki is derived from the Japanese words, “Rei” and “Ki”, which translates to “spiritually guided life energy” or “universal life-force energy”. Reiki is based on the principle that Ki (energy) is the underlying energy of everything that exists: universal life force energy.

    When the flow of ‘Ki’ is blocked or stagnant, we can feel unwell, become sick, or feel stressed or self-destructive.

    When ‘Ki’ flows smoothly, our body can heal, and feel more calm and at ease.

    Reiki practitioners compassionately channel this life force energy to the receiver to remove energy blocks, rebalance energy levels, and helps restore one’s natural flow of energy.

    Reiki sessions can help calm the mind, reduce stress, ease pain/tension, boost energy, promote relaxation and activate the body’s healing system. It can also activate the light within you!

    Reiki treats the whole person, including your mind, body and spirit, and will meet you wherever you are at.

  • Reiki energy can help you:

    ✦ Feel grounded and relaxed

    ✦ Soothe stress, overwhelm and anxiety

    ✦ Feel a greater sense of peace and wellbeing

    ✦ Cleanses unwanted and stagnant energy

    ✦ Feeling more balanced in your energy

    ✦ Awaken or reconnect to your intuition

    ✦ Guidance, clarity or inspiration

    ✦ Promotes better sleep

    ✦ Eases pain and promotes healing

  • When you enter the space know that you are entering a non-judgemental, confidential, and safe space. I am here to hold space for you to connect with yourself and feel grounded and re-invigorated.

    Every individual experiences Reiki in their own unique way, so it is important to enter your session with an open mind. In a Reiki session, you may feel warm or cool sensations or some tingling.

    A reiki healing session with me is a blend of reiki energy healing, intuitive guidance and oracle cards. It’s a space for you to feel heard, safe, seen and understood. I’m all about supporting the individual on their unique journey of growth, expansion, healing and uplevelling.

    A session starts with an initial chat, followed by nourishing Reiki treatment, and a debrief of any intuitive messages or guidance that has come through. During a session Oracle cards will be pulled when divinely guided.

    After a session, you will experience the benefits of feeling calmer and more relaxed.

  • Reiki energy is transcendental, with no limitations to distance and time. So you can also receive Reiki healing from the comfort of your home, wherever you may be in the world.

    A distance and online reiki session is similar to an in-person session, except you get to be in the privacy and comfort of your own home (or anywhere really)!

    For your these Healing sessions, you get the option to be present Online on a Zoom call together, OR you do not need to be online at all, I can send you distance Reiki wherever you are (a distance session).

    Online Reiki: These sessions are like an in-person session where we will sit in heart-centered conversation to check in with what you are wanting support with, and set your intention for your session. The only difference is that we will be on Zoom. I will then guide you through a meditation to give your mind, body and energy space to relax and open to receive Reiki energy. Once complete, I’ll open the space for you to share anything that has come up for you.

    Distance Reiki: If you choose to receive a Distance Reiki session (not being on Zoom together), just make sure you are somewhere safe to receive the energy healing; that is, not driving. So please ensure you're in bed, or in a space where you can relax or meditate. Sessions can be conducted while you're sleeping, on your lunch break at work, having an operation, or on an airplane, so you don’t need to schedule time off to receive energy work. After a Distance Reiki session, I will send you a message on Instagram or Text to share with you any messages, insights, or sensations that came up on my end, and we can chat through them!

  • Your frequency is completely up to you!

    It's so dependent on what is going on for you within your life and in your own circumstances.

    If you’re working through an issue or something that is more pressing, then I’d recommend weekly to fortnightly.

    I invite you to tune into your intuition/gut - there might be a deep knowing that it’s time to get reiki healing done. Perhaps you’re experiencing a hurdle or roadblock that you’re unsure how to move forwards with and need some clarity.

    Or you may like your energy is feeling heavy, a bit off, stuck/blocked, flat than usual, and that is when I personally like to receive reiki. It might also just be that it’s been a while since you’ve had any energy work done, and it’s nice to have a good energy tune-up/service!

    Or simply treating yourself to some self-care and relaxation from a reiki healing session, because it feels good!

    But at the end of the day, I believe it is entirely up to you.

Bush Flower Essences FAQs

  • Australian Bush Flower Essences are a healing remedy that works on a vibrational and subconscious level of the body. Flower Essences are the use of a flower’s unique vibrational healing signature within a liquid tonic (usually a mixture of purified water and Brandy), which can be taken orally or topically.

    Flower medicine has been used for thousands of years among various cultures including Australian Aborigines, Ancient Egyptians, India, Asia, European and South America.

    Flower Essences can help you work through the feelings and experiences that present themselves in your life more quickly. They also help bring up to the surface the positive qualities that are already present within us.

    These essences are used to treat imbalances on an emotional, spiritual or physical level to bring about harmony and well-being to a person’s whole being. Think of them as a ‘little friend’ accompanying and supporting you through the moments when you may feel stuck, going through a difficult time, or needing some liquid courage.

    Flower Essences also work particularly well when paired with Coaching, Counselling, or any form of personal development or healing work. The more self-awareness, personal growth practices, or a willingness to explore and do the inner work to meet your feelings, the faster these remedies work to bring to the surface change within your life. These essences are also included within my 1:1 Coaching & Healing container.

  • Flower Essences can support a vast range of emotional states, emotional patterns, and imbalances within your chakras. They work on the basis that when attitudes, thoughts, emotions and the physical body are in alignment and working harmoniously, then good health (physically and emotionally) and wellbeing will follow.

    The essences may support with:

    • Getting in touch with your intuition and Higher Self

    • Insight into your life’s purpose and direction

    • Raising your vibration

    • Clarity and focus

    • Working through emotional blocks and resolving negative beliefs

    • Energy levels

    • Overwhelm and moving through fears

    • Relief from stress

    • Growing your motivation, courage, or confidence

    • Experiencing peace and calmness

    • Acceptance of self and inner peace

    • Calmness and peace

    • Creating changes in your life

    • Ability to cope or move on

    • And so much more

    When using the Australian Bush Flower essences, it is recommended that we treat one issue/theme at a time, before moving on to another.

  • When using a customised Flower Essences blend, it is recommended to take 7 drops of the Essences twice a day for 14 days. Ideally, take them first thing in the morning, and last thing before bed.

    During this 14-day period, oftentimes the shifts and changes can be really subtle that they can only be seen in reflection. However, when using the essences you may experience strong emotions bubbling up, nightmares, lightbulb moments, inspiration, motivation, a sense of calm or more ease in certain situations, perspective shifts, and so much more. These are all normal parts of the healing process!

    Every individual will experience the Essences in different ways.

    Please keep taking the blend for the suggested amount of time (or until you finish the bottle - which will usually take between 2-3 weeks).

    If anything comes up that you’re unsure of, just send me a message and we can talk through it!

Coaching FAQs

  • Coaching can be a life-changing experience that can help you improve your perspectives on life and how you show up within your life.

    It’s a modality that helps people tap into their potential, inner wisdom and truth and discover parts of theselves that may have been hidden away. The way I like to coach is to partner with you to get curious about yourself so you can unlock the widom that is already there within you!

  • One of my clients eloquently described Reiki-Infused Coaching as “a beautiful synchrony of practicality of coaching and spiritual essence from Reiki”. Which sums it up to a tee!

    In these 2-hour sessions, we usually begin with some gentle nervous system (body-led) coaching to work together in moving towards your desired outcomes or areas you’d like to explore during a session.

    We usually end the session with Reiki, where you get to simply meditate and rest whilst Reiki energy is channeled through to you to clear any stagnant or blocked energy, and helping to re-align your energy so you can move forwards feeling more clear and embodied.

  • The key difference between the two is the in-between session support and the frequency of sessions.

    Somatic Coaching (with or without Reiki) sessions are available as individual sessions. You can book these sessions in weekly, fortnighly or monthly - depending on what you need support with and the frequency of how often you feel you need support.

    Grounded Expansion is a 3-month (12-week) program where we meet every 2 weeks (fortnightly). Every second session we do in this container is a 120-minute Reiki-Infused Somatic Coaching session, while on the alternate week we do a 75-minute Somatic Coaching session. In between our sessions in the Grounded Expansion container, you also get WhatsApp support (available on certain days) during our 12 weeks together, as well as Bush Flower Essences to support your daily integration.

General FAQs

  • Yes! Send me a DM on Instagram or an email to discuss, and I’ll see what I can do.

  • I hold in-person sessions on Monday’s out of Gaia Mu in Brisbane (194 Gladstone Rd, Highgate Hill QLD 4101).

    Other days during the week, I practice online and see clients from all over the world.

  • Send me a DM on Instagram or an email and we’ll try to make something happen!